Second Stage of Manufacture pre-rego SSM & post-rego LS11 linked to SSM, or LS11 10% only
What do these mean & what are the advantages / disadvantages?
- If GVM upgrade is carried out prior to vehicles first initial registration point there is no compliance costs applicable to the end user, simply pay for the GVM upgrade
- If the GVM upgrade is carried out prior to vehicles first initial registration point then your GVM upgrade has Federal certification. So if you deregister / reregister in another state no additional approval or proof of GVM upgrade is required, you are automatically known across all states to have your higher GVM.
- A SSM GVM upgrade will not de-rate your vehicles braked towing capacity rating, the brake capacity remains unchanged. The GCM is the vehicles GVM + brake towing capacity combined. Therefore upgrading your GVM with SSM approval essentially means your GCM has increased. This is not the case with an LS11 10% increase, more information further down on LS11 10%.
- A SSM GVM upgrade is the highest and heaviest GVM rating that is possible
- A SSM GVM upgrade will always comply with insurance companies and all individual states code of practice
- A SSM GVM upgrade can be fitted to a brand new vehicle, or a vehicle that is already registered. The difference is a brand new vehicle will get a Federal compliance plate, and a vehicle that is already registered will get a State compliance plate.
- Note although a vehicle that is already registered gets a State compliance plate it is important to recognise that this is still a SSM GVM upgrade and that SSM is a Federal body. Your SSM GVM upgrade overrules anything that QLD Transport sais. Even if GVM upgrades in QLD were abolished, your Federal SSM approved GVM upgrade overrules this.
- There is only one real disadvantage to a SSM GVM upgrade (but it is only applicable to vehicles that are not brand new) – if you already have a lift kit or modified suspension fitted, this will require complete removal and replacement with the Lovells SSM GVM upgrade. It is crucial to consider whether you need a GVM upgrade before considering fitting a lift kit to a vehicle.
It is to be made clear that pre-registration you will be issued a Federal Compliance SSM plate. Post registration QLD you are issued a blue modification plate which utilises the LS11 modification code with reference to the SSM approval number - which will give you a SSM approved product on a blue plate with the LS11 code. Linking a SSM approved product with the LS11 code is completely different to carrying out a LS11 10% upgrade. The purpose of the information on the page is to clarify this - LS11 linked to SSM vs. LS11 10% only. Post registration for all other states you are provided with a engineering report, engineering certificate and/or modification plate of that state i.e VIC, SA, NSW, NT, etc. If your vehicle is registered interstate we can upgrade both your GVM, GCM and if applicable Braked Towing Capacity (BTC).
Second Stage of Manufacture (SSM) for GVM upgrade approval is attained by the
suspension manufacturer (Lovells) verifying to the Federal body known as the Department of Transport and Regional Services (DOTARS), specifically the Vehicle Safety Standards (VSS) branch of DOTARS that the suspension modification complies with the Australian Design Rules (ADR). The ADRs affected by a GVM upgrade is substaintial and this process can be difficult, costly and slow for the suspension manufacturer.
Lovells must supply comprehensive testing reports supplied by an authorised testing laboratory which show that the brakes & vehicle stability are able to with stand and perform safely with the additional weights. This testing procedure is not a basic brake test; it is an extensive highly complicated test with computer monitoring equipment and is normally carried out on an air field strip. Not only this but laboratory testing of all other vehicle factors that are affected by the ADRs need to be completed for example hydraulic swaybar operation (KDSS) and electronic stability control (ESP).
The VSS branch of DOTARS will review the documentation and vehicle apparutus to confirm that all is above board and correct. Once approved a federal legal certificate is issued to Lovells to allow the manufacture and supply chain for that specific build of vehicle.

Second Stage of Manufacture (SSM) Testing of the Toyota Prado 150 series GVM Upgrade from 3000kg to 3500kg
A LS11 10% GVM upgrade can only be done through QLD transport & is not recognized by other states. The LS11 10% GVM upgrade is primarily used for vehicles that specifically have no SSM approval at all (this is most light commercial / 4x4’s manufactured prior to 2005 for example a 100 series Toyota Landcruiser). Refer to our GVM table showing which vehicles specifically have SSM approval here.
- If your vehicle does not have SSM approval then you can upgrade your GVM by 10%. This previously was not possible. So on an older vehicle for example Toyota Landcruiser 100 series you can now upgrade the GVM whereas previously this was not legally possible as SSM did not exist when the 100 series was manufactured.
- Your GCM remains unchanged. So when your GVM is upgraded by 10% your braked towing capacity is de-rated by the same GVM increased amount. For example - original GVM 3000kg, original braked towing capacity 2500kg…After 10% LS11 modification your new GVM becomes 3300kg however this will lower your braked towing capacity to 2200kg. The simplest way of saying this is – the GCM of 5500kg in this scenario will not change at all pre and post 10% GVM upgrade. A huge disadvantage if you use your vehicle for towing
Specifically the QLD Code of Practice section 5.2 issued March 2017 states: This code does not permit an increase in rated towing capacity or GCM rating (unless in accordance withan SSM approval). For some light vehicles rated towing capacity or GCM rating may not be specified. In such cases please note that the maximum towing mass at GVM must be proportionately reduced to ensure that the sum of GVM and maximum towing mass at GVM before and after GVM upgrade remains unchanged.
- If QLD Transport change their code of practice for the LS11 10% code this may deem your GVM no longer compliant. Although not likely it is something to consider when doing this modification.
- Your GVM upgrade is a maximum of 10% only. Not all SSM GVM upgrades, but most of them upgrade your GVM by 600kg. So for a vehicle with a factory GVM of 2900kg you are gaining less than half of the additional Payload of a SSM approved GVM upgrade.
- Your LS11 10% GVM upgrade is not recognised by other states. For example QLD Transport and NSW Transport do not share records or communicate with each other. You are still covered if you travel interstate, but only if you have QLD registration plates. If you de-register and re-register in another state your GVM de-rates back to the original capacity.
- LS11 10% increase can only be applied to a vehicle with a GVM that does not exceed 4500kg.
- Rerating of GVM under code LS11 10% is permissible only on a light vehicle that is constructed on a ladder type chassis frame on which a cabin and/or body is mounted. Vehicles with integrated frame and body are not eligible.
- For a vehicle to qualify for an increase in GVM, the vehicle must be able to safely operate at the increased GVM. The chassis, drive-train, axles, suspension, brakes, steering, wheels and tyres are all critical components which must be assessed individually to ensure that each is suitable to operate under the increased loads resulting from increased GVM.
- The sum of the load carrying capacities of the tyres fitted must be at least equal to the GVM. The same applies to load carrying capacities of the rims. Moreover the load capacity of the tyres (and rims) on each axle must be adequate to support the load imposed on that axle. If required, an amending tyre placard must be fitted to indicate the correct tyre specifications for the vehicle at the revised GVM rating. The revised tyre size and load rating must also appear on the modification plate.
- Refer to the QLD Code of Practice for further more in depth information
- Deposit $500
- Copy of registration papers - both sides
- Image of compliance plate
- Image of tyres fitted (showing size & load index)
- Front and rear heavy duty suspension
- Rear springs must be rated to a minimum constant load relevant to the GVM increase to be carried out & copy of supplier invoice showing part numbers fitted to be supplied. Part numbers on paper work also to be visually match up to components fitted to vehicle - not applicable if we are supplying & fitting your new suspension (BAM office to do)
- Brake test - advised to be done early so that any brake modifications can be budgeted for (if necessary)
- Weigh bridge certificate showing laded GVM and front and rear axle splits withdriver in vehicle